Megan is a high school student from Warrington and is preparing for her next chapter at college. She is a full-time wheelchair user and was becoming increasingly reliant on others to help her get around after her condition deteriorated, which meant she became tired easily and wasn’t able to push herself around like she once could.
Megan received two separate Enable grants from the Steve Morgan Foundation to help her get her independence back.
We initially awarded £10,000 for the purchase of a custom-made wheelchair for Megan suitable for her size and disability that will grow with her. This was followed by a second grant of £4,500 to purchase a Triride – an electric device that powers a manual wheelchair – that provides greater mobility both in day-to-day life and in leisure time.
In Megan’s words, both the wheelchair and the Triride have made her life “1000% easier” and she is able to get around school and go to places with her friends with little help.

Following the grant, Megan can now get to where she needs to go safely and quickly, enabling her to continue with her studies and everyday life without the simplest of tasks leaving her exhausted.
Megan told us that she feels she has got her independence back and feels the next chapter of her life will be made significantly better by having the new equipment. She feels ready to go into college after year 11 knowing she will be less dependent on others.
We are delighted to be able to support Megan through our Enable grant programme.